Side Effects of Herbal Skin Care

Herbal skin care medicine has become extremely popular and skin care market is full of herbal products, creams, lotions and even supplements. People usually tend to think that "herbal" and "natural" product is absolutely safe and effective. Unfortunately, this is not always correct. Let's take a look at most popular herbs that can be found in most of herbal skin care and acne treatment products. Are they actually that safe?

- Dandelion is well-known to treat skin blemishes. You will definitely see the effect you are expecting if you suffer from acne, eczema or psoriasis. It is a valuable herb containing numerous minerals like sodium, sulfur, calcium, silicic acid as well as choline, potassium and inulin, which are beneficial for skin in case of acne, eczema or other skin ailments.

Dandelion side effects: you should not take dandelion root with pharmaceutical drugs that cause diuretic action. If you are taking medications for diabetes, you should avoid dandelion or take it with caution. This herb is known to intensify the blood sugar lowering effects of those drugs.

- Burdock can be found in Europe, Asia and Northern USA. It can be effectively used for treating such skin conditions as acne, eczema, boils and eruptions, wounds, itch and even skin cancer. For many years both roots and leaves have been successfully used to treat various skin diseases, they also have mild antibiotic properties.

Unfortunately, burdock may cause side effects. When applied to the skin, it can cause allergic reactions.
- If you have a chronic skin disease, try yellow dock, a weed with general tonic effects, which has been effectively used for skin conditions since the ancient times. Yellow dock decoctions are useful for such skin problems as contact dermatitis, atopic eczema, skin rashes, acne rosacea and herpes outbreaks.
This herb can cause serious, sometimes life-threatening side effects including vomiting, heart and blood problems, and even death. Don't use raw or uncooked yellow dock.

- Echinacea is a powerful immune, antibacterial and antiviral stimulant. It increases the number of white blood cells produced by organism and makes cell membrane stronger, which creates a barrier to both bacteria and virus. Applying this herb to your skin can help you control skin inflammation. It is also a wonderful healing herb that can fight various skin infections, psoriasis, eczema and inflammatory skin conditions. It used to be a wild weed easily found in Canada and the USA but now it is widely cultivated plant in different parts of the world. The intake of the herb can help you develop a strong immune system and build resistance to cold and flu.

Echinacea is likely to be safe when used short-term. However, do not take it for a long time. Side effects after long-time usage include fever and vomiting.

- Red Clover is known to be rich in essential vitamins for the skin such as vitamin A and vitamin B-complex. It is used to remove toxins from blood. Traditionally, crushed red clover flowers were applied to insect bites and stings. More and more specialists recommend Red Clover to those who suffer from psoriasis and other skin diseases. Look for anti-inflammatory creams or ointments that have a red clover as a component.

Red clover can cause allergic reactions, headache, nausea. Some women also reported vaginal bleeding (spotting). You should avoid red clover during pregnancy and while breast-feeding.

- Licorice may treat skin redness and dermatitis. The mashed root can be used as a poultice to treat skin inflammation and skin infections. In combination with other medicinal herbs, Licorice is used for skin softening, soothing and lightening.

Licorice is not safe when used in large amounts for more than a month. Licorice can cause severe side effects including high blood pressure and brain damage.

On the other hand, potential side effects do not always mean that you should avoid these herbs. For example, some of these herbs may cause side effects only in case of taking them in large amounts. Herbal skin care medicine CAN BE safe and effective. Do not try to mix these herbs together and prepare your own home-made skin care product. Do not try to treat your acne without your doctor's advice. You doctor is the only person to suggest safe and reliable skin care medicine.

A selection of herbal skin care products is very broad today. From quick but risky and costly laser surgery and prescription medications to safe and effective herbal skin care and acne treatment products, every person may find an appropriate skin care solution.
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Hair Care and Skin Care Tips

People usually try to find the best solution for any kind of hair services or treatment. Some also require special skin and body services. From hair products to body and spa treatments, you can possibly find any thing in this world for the care of your body. Moreover, if you are having any specific problem, for example related to hair loss, you can find expert assistance near you through the internet.

Hair Care
The internet has a complete catalog of hair products required for daily use, or for taking care of a special hair problem. You will get solutions for faster hair growth, thicker hair, itching, dermatitis, flaking, sores, dandruff etc. Be aware, you can not be a hundred percent sure that the solution will work. In the worst case, the remedy might backfire and create even more problems. Here are some quick tips:

· Eat food rich in omega-3 fatty acids and proteins like walnuts, almonds, milk, eggs and fatty fish
· Avoid using hot water for washing hair
· Do not go for shampoos with ammonium lauryl sulfate since it is a hard lathering agent
· Use topical creams which have zinc as the active ingredient to fight off bacteria and fungi in case of itchy scalp
· Massage the scalp regularly to facilitate the natural oil to the hair and allow good blood flow.
Skin Care
Common skin problems involve acne, zits, dry skin, under eye dark circles, wrinkling of skin etc. A firming serum for getting rid of those wrinkles is quite common. Although the market is full of products which guarantee fast results, and some might even do; the long term effects of using such products is still uncertain. For this reason, always spend extra on tested and certified skin care products. Here are some quick tips to ensure that your skin is clean and rejuvenated each day:

· Face wash, preferably with herbal extracts, must be used twice a day
· Good quality sunscreens with an SPF above 30 must be applied to skin. Make sure that the sun screen provides protection against UVA and UVB sun rays.

· For radiant skin, find skin products which have anti oxidants like vitamin E or vitamin C.
· Experts suggest that many layers like foundations must not be left applied on the skin as they block the pores and allow bacteria to get lodged in them. So be sure to remove all make up using a make up remover before you go to bed.

So, next time you are looking for solutions for all your hair or skin problems, just visit
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Skin Care for Face

Skin care is the right way to stay young and beautiful at any age. It doesn't take much time and efforts but the results are great. How to take care of your skin?
  1. Cosmetics. If you are not sure about your skin type or have some skin problems like acne or age spots, ask for a help of a specialist. He will recommend good creams, masks and lotions to prevent wrinkles appearance and treat skin problems.

  2. Folk remedies. Nature is a treasure stove of wholesome herbs, fruits and vegetables which can be used for skin care. Chamomile, nard, nettle, calendula, oak bark, sabelnik, tutsan, mint, Melissa strawberry leaves, comfrey, bur-marigold and other herbs can be added to masks and lotions.

  3. Special procedures in beauty salons. Women who have serious skin problems usually treat them in beauty salons. Peelings, laser peelings, wrinkle straitening masks, collagen masks are practiced there. If you have scars or don't know how to get rid of age spots, specialists will help you to make your skin smoother and younger. For age spots removal you will be offered:
    • Chemical peeling. A weak acid solution removes superficial layers of the skin affected by hyperpigmentation. This method is practically painless, there is only a slight burning sensation, redness and swelling of the skin, but they disappear after a couple of days.

    • Liquid nitrogen. You can cover your age spots with liquid nitrogen and freezing them. This is very effective way. It destroys the pigment that causes them and makes the skin look better. But there is the possibility of scarring discoloration of your skin.

    • Laser resurfacing of the face. As a result of the laser spots disappear, the skin is updated, the skin tone is improved.

    • Phototherapy. Spots are removed with the help of intense pulses. This procedure is painless.
Is it possible to prevent age spots appearance?
  • If your skin is prone to appearance of freckles and spots, eat more fruits with vitamin C and folia acid.
  • Wash your face with sour milk and add some sour cream to face masks.
  • Use special cosmetics in summer. It will prevent your face from spots appearance.
Visit a cosmetologist or dermatologist if you have noticed dark spots. If you don't know how to get rid of age spots, never try to solve the problem by yourself. There is cosmetics which can do much harm and worsen the condition. A serious approach to this skin problem is a guarantee of successful treatment.
You can take more information about how to get rid of age spots
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Great Skin Care Advice For Women

Good skin care is an important part of total health. Good habits should be practiced as early on as possible. Effects from bad skin care habits can accumulate and create problems when the skin gets older and less resilient. If you want to learn good skin care habits that you can use all through your life, read this article for great suggestions.

The sun can do great damage to your skin if your skin is overexposed to it. It does not matter if the weather is cold or warm, cloudy or sunny. The harmful UV rays from the sun can penetrate through clouds.

Therefore, you always have to protect your skin whenever you go outdoors. Wear a wide-brim hat to protect your face. Use a sunscreen that was created to give broad-spectrum protection. That means the sunscreen is able to protect your skin from UVA as well as UVB rays. The sunscreen should have an SPF of 15 or more. In addition, it must contain one or more of these active ingredients: avobenzone, zinc, titanium dioxide, or mexoryl. The four ingredients have been tested and proven to give better protection than another ingredients. Apply your sunscreen liberally before you go out. If you plan to be active during the day in outdoor activities, reapply your sunscreen after an hour or two to continue to protect your skin.

Avoid thinking that just because you applied sunscreen, you can stay out in the sun for a long time. Ideally, you still should not go out between the hours of 10am to 2pm because that is when the sun is the strongest.
Before you apply any lotion, spray a mist moisturizer onto your skin before you apply lotion. The lotion locks in the moisturizer onto your skin, so your skin benefits from not getting flaky and dried out. A moisturizer should also be used after you take a shower. Towel dry your body gently, then immediately follow with a moisturizer for your skin type.

When you apply sunscreen, try using a cosmetic sponge to spread the sunscreen evenly on your skin. This seems to help your skin absorb it a little better.

You need to exfoliate your skin regularly to get rid of dead skin cells. Your skin sheds every day. Dead skin that accumulates on your skin can mix with the natural oils from your face and clog pores. When you exfoliate, the top layer of dead skin is washed away, revealing the new, radiant skin.

Even your clothes should have a UV rating. Depending on the weave of the fabric, some clothes give you little or no protection from the sun. The tighter the weave, the higher the SPF factor.

Good skin care is something that you need to practice over your lifetime. Start when you are young to avoid skin problems later in life. If you start good habits now, the benefits will last you through your whole life. Apply the tips from this article, and your skin will be able to stay younger-looking for longer.

Visit this website if you want to learn more about skin treatment and how you can treat your skin properly. In this site, you can see many acne treatment that you can use to keep your skin healthy.
As you know, back acne can also attack women easily. You need to learn how to get rid of back acne effectively.
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Hair Care and Skin Care Tips

People usually try to find the best solution for any kind of hair services or treatment. Some also require special skin and body services. From hair products to body and spa treatments, you can possibly find any thing in this world for the care of your body. Moreover, if you are having any specific problem, for example related to hair loss, you can find expert assistance near you through the internet.

Hair Care
The internet has a complete catalog of hair products required for daily use, or for taking care of a special hair problem. You will get solutions for faster hair growth, thicker hair, itching, dermatitis, flaking, sores, dandruff etc. Be aware, you can not be a hundred percent sure that the solution will work. In the worst case, the remedy might backfire and create even more problems. Here are some quick tips:

· Eat food rich in omega-3 fatty acids and proteins like walnuts, almonds, milk, eggs and fatty fish
· Avoid using hot water for washing hair
· Do not go for shampoos with ammonium lauryl sulfate since it is a hard lathering agent
· Use topical creams which have zinc as the active ingredient to fight off bacteria and fungi in case of itchy scalp
· Massage the scalp regularly to facilitate the natural oil to the hair and allow good blood flow.
Skin Care

Common skin problems involve acne, zits, dry skin, under eye dark circles, wrinkling of skin etc. A firming serum for getting rid of those wrinkles is quite common. Although the market is full of products which guarantee fast results, and some might even do; the long term effects of using such products is still uncertain. For this reason, always spend extra on tested and certified skin care products. Here are some quick tips to ensure that your skin is clean and rejuvenated each day:

· Face wash, preferably with herbal extracts, must be used twice a day
· Good quality sunscreens with an SPF above 30 must be applied to skin. Make sure that the sun screen provides protection against UVA and UVB sun rays.

· For radiant skin, find skin products which have anti oxidants like vitamin E or vitamin C.
· Experts suggest that many layers like foundations must not be left applied on the skin as they block the pores and allow bacteria to get lodged in them. So be sure to remove all make up using a make up remover before you go to bed.

So, next time you are looking for solutions for all your hair or skin problems, just visit
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Good Skin Care is Important

Good skin care is essential to graceful aging. Babies have smooth, soft skin that is wrinkle free and moist. Over time harsh elements in the environment wear on the skin making is dryer and tougher. With age comes wrinkles and sagging in the skin. Good skin care can slow down the harmful effects of time and the environment.

Before good skin care can be attempted, it is important to have a thorough understanding of how the skin operates. Skin consists of three layers. The inner most layer is the subcutaneous tissue. The tissue in the subcutaneous layer contains fat cells, which insulate the body. The middle layer is the dermis. The dermis contains the connective tissues. The outermost layer of skin is called the epidermis. The purpose of the epidermis is to protect the inner skin from environmental contaminants. Cells in the epidermis continuously travel from the inner most part of the epidermis to the surface, flaking off once they reach the top.

 The cells in the epidermis become thinner over time. Less collagen is produced causing skin to lose its elasticity. This causes the skin to sag and wrinkle. The number of sweat glands also decrease over time leading to dryer skin. As people age, cells in the subcutaneous layer become smaller also contributing to the sagging and wrinkling. UVA and UVB radiation from sunlight thin the epidermis even more. They also contribute to a faster breakdown of collagen in the dermis.

Good skin care requires cleansing and moisturizing. Cleansing is essential to remove dirt and dead skin cells. It helps to prevent pimples or acne. Cleansing, however, can dry out the skin. Cleansing removes the oil on the skin, which retains moisture. As a result moisturizers are needed to restore water to the skin and protect the skin. Special liquid cleaners are recommended over using traditional bar soap.

 Liquid cleansers can be made with moisturizer to combat the drying agents in the cleansers. The type of cleaner chosen depends on the skin type of the person using it. Vitamin E is often included in good skin care products as it helps moisturize the skin. It also maintains elasticity. The type of moisturizer used is important as well. A heavier moisturizer should be used at night while a thinner, lighter moisturizer is recommended for daytime use.

Good skin care requires a lot of effort. A regime of cleaning and moisturizing should be followed everyday in order to be effective. Avoiding exposure to the sun and tanning is ideal to prevent the harmful effects of radiation. Application of sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15 is helpful as well. Smoking should be avoided. A healthy diet is beneficial in improving the elasticity of the skin. Drinking water is essential to good skin care. Water helps the body function better. It also cleans the pores from the inside. It re-hydrates the skin, which helps the skin stay moist. Keeping good habits in addition to good skin care will help the skin age gracefully and beautifully.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Skin Care
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Your Skin Care Routine Is A Must For Perfect Skin

Consistency and a great at home skincare routine must be the mantra for fit and beautiful skin. This point cannot be stressed enough, for lack of a routine, no matter how great the product, will never yield constant and permanently beautiful skin. Of course, using organic skin care products, in my opinion, yields the best result because they nurture the skin.

An at home skin care routine, coupled with regular facials, should be viewed as a preventative and protective measure against the factors which cause aging, breakouts, and dehydrated lackluster skin. Think of it like going to the gym regularly or following a strict and healthy diet, but for your face. Doing so regularly can reverse the signs of aging and shatter skin that is less than perfect.

Follow these simple steps and they will yield sexy, younger and healthier looking skin. And they will only take about 5 minutes of your time. A small amount of time to spend for perfect skin. This is well worth the results and youthful life of your face and skin. Remember these are preventative measures and in truth, anti-aging techniques. But is never too late to start. So START!

If you walk outside, especially if you live in a city, the skin is constantly being bombarded by pollution, dirt and the elements at the same time. Therefore it is important that one use a nightly organic skin cleanser. This will remove any dirt and surface impurities that will have accumulated throughout the day. And if you wear makeup the accumulated dirt and pollution cake right on top. This is a very simple step that must not be neglected, no matter how tired you are. Washing your face nightly will aid the skin in its regeneration phase that happens during your sleep. Allowing the skin to breathed and become beautiful as the nights progress.

Moisturizers are a beauty essential and are needed if the skin is to remain supple and smooth. This is a moisturizer's primary goal and how they accomplish this is by retaining water or preventing it from evaporating. In essence a moisturizer will properly hydrate the skin and prevent its dehydration. Using a moisturizer will improve the skin's functions especially during harsh winter days and brutal summer months. They are also a great help during long flights. You must choose a proper organic skin care moisturizer for your skin type as they are of different consistencies, from light to heavy. Properly moisturizing will prevent wrinkles and lines, a simple anti-aging remedy. I recommend that you moisturize minimally during the day as this is when you will encounter most of the elements which cause skin to age. This step can be supplanted with a serum or use in combination.

Since the skin produces sebum daily while shedding at the same time, it is vital that you help it as much as you can, to rapidly get rid of dead skin that can cause blemishes and breakouts. The fact is that dirt and pollution get trapped in between layers of skin and these same factors can cause it to breakout. Using an organic exfoliant will rid the face of dead skin and expose a glowing beautiful complexion. Exfoliating is a must as it triggers the skin's healing mechanism and stimulates collagen and elastin. I recommend exfoliating at least once a week if not two for better results.

Use Sunscreen:
This is probably the most neglected step and it is absolutely fundamental in maintaining youthful looking skin. Doing away with this step can have serious consequences and according to the American Cancer Society, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. This is the ultimate price, however, the lesser consequences can be: hyper-pigmentation, age spots, wrinkles and dry leathery skin. A useful solution can be for you to use a mineral based sunscreen. They come in a variety of tones to match everyone's shade or even translucent if you want a nude finish. This will prevent over exposure to the sun and it's harmful effects as mentioned above.

Joanna Vargas is a graduate from the University of Chicago and is a celebrity facialist well known for her unique facials and skincare treatments. Her signature microcurrent facial, LED light therapy skincare treatment and oxygen facials have been the source of rave reviews from the leading magazines such as Vogue, Allure and many others.

Using her advanced knowledge of skincare and working with the top engineers in LED light manufacturing she has invented a full body LED light therapy machine, available for spa owners worldwide.
Additionally, her holistic approach to skincare has culminated in her own skincare products, available to spas and clients.
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Black Skin Care - Tips For Beautiful Skin

Skin problems faced by people with brown or black skins differ from those faced by Caucasians. Darker skins have a greater amount of melanin. This pigment is responsible for shielding the skin from harsh sun rays and even decelerates aging. However, melanin sometimes causes the skin to over-react when a product which does not suit black skin texture is used. African American skin care varies from skin care routines used for white skins.

The key to African American skin care lies in understanding the many nuances of black or brown skins. Caring for black skin is as simple as caring for any other type of skin -- only different. The most common misconception is that all black skins are oily. This is simply not true. Most black skins are sensitive thanks to the melanin pigment but not all are oily. If you have black skin, use the following tips to maintain its rich texture and tone.

The best care for black skin is to cleanse it regularly. Use a mild cleanser and cleanse at least 3 times daily if you have oily skin. If your skin is dry, once a day is sufficient to remove the grime and leave your face looking clean.

Moisturizer is perhaps the most over-rated product. As far as the best skin care regimen for black women is concerned, use moisturizer sparingly and only if your skin is dry and really needs it. Water based moisturizers work well with dark skins.

Even though black skin contains larger amounts of melanin which protect it from sunlight, always use sunscreen before stepping out in the sun. You are just as much a candidate for skin cancer as your lighter skinned friends.

Be extra careful when taking certain drugs and other forms of medication. This is because dark skinned people sometimes tend to react strongly to prescription drugs like birth control pills and antibiotics. So, ask your doctor if these drugs will have side effects as far as your complexion is concerned.

If your face develops a condition like acne or pigmentation, immediately visit a dermatologist. Black skin care for acne depends on the severity of the case. A dermatologist will be the best person to prescribe a proper skin care regimen for acne onslaughts in dark complexions. So, do not hesitate to seek professional help.

When selecting cosmetic products, always select the ones especially meant for African American skin care. Refrain from using products with harsh chemicals like benzoyl peroxide and conduct a test on a patch of your skin before using any product.

While choosing make-up, fortunately you are spoiled for choice as cosmetic companies have realized the unique needs of black skin care and have come up with a wide range of cosmetics. Avoid garish colors and stick to muted shades of brown, peach, beige etc. Select foundation that best matches your face (though admittedly many cosmetics manufacturers still need to expand their foundation lines for more options for black skin tones). Avoid using oil-based cosmetics.

Keep away from African American skin care products that contain steroids or mercury. These can cause substantial damage to dark skins.

If you want treatment therapies that go beyond what you can safely do at home, then seek professional help. There are procedures like microdermabrasion, chemical peels and laser treatments that you can consider. However, always get these things done by a certified doctor and don't leave anything to chance. If you are skeptical ask for references and talk to people who have already successfully undergone similar procedures conducted under the supervision of the same professional.

Generally, people with darker complexions originate from Africa, Latin America and Asia. The best care for black skin depends on the type of skin: whether oily or dry. Contrary to popular belief, there are no stereotypes when it comes to black skin. Avoid over-treating your skin and keep it clean as far as possible.

In case of severe skin disorders, immediately get the opinion of a dermatologist. After all, skin is something that remains with you for as long as you live: so it doesn't matter if it's black, white or brown, treat it with the care it deserves.
Pamella Neely writes about how to lose weight and tips for how to lose weight in a week.
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Follow These Simple Skin Care Tips To Get Your Beautiful Face

Your skin does not have to look the same or be the same every single day. This is something that we just have to deal with in life but should be taken care of. This article will give you seven ways to simply take care of your skin so you have a glowing complexion, even as you age.

Drinking plenty of water is vital in having a nice complexion. Water is of course what our body thrives on, and it is made up of a lot of water as well. The skin benefits from being properly hydrated. You will look better, your skin will not wrinkle as fast, and you will be benefiting your health in several other ways as well.
Know what do to when you have an acne break out. You should be aware of what is causing your acne and what products you can use to combat the breakout. Some products work better than others and some work better for certain people. It might be a exercise in trial and error and you will want to do some research and experimentation on what will work the best for your skin.

Always keep your skin clean and your pores clean; this is important because the thing that causes acne is clogged pores. You will want to use a good cleanser, but make sure it is not too harsh for your skin. Also, you want to exfoliate as well. If you do not get rid of dead skin cells, this can cause you to clog your pores.
Eat a healthy and balanced diet! The skin is the biggest organ in your body and plays an integral part in getting rid of waste material in the form of sweat and sebum in your body. If you are expelling toxins from the foods you eat and the beverages you drink all of the time you are bound to break out. Your skin will thank you if you just eat whole foods.

Veggies are a good thing to eat to help your skin. They contain vitamins and nutrients that can help your skin and also do not have toxins that your body will have to work to get rid of. This will keep your skin healthy.
Slather some honey on your skin. Studies have shown that some honey will help you maintain a good complexion and it will also condition the skin and help clear your pores.

Try to get the excess oil from your skin through the day and use a good cleanser when you are washing your face and skin. Oil can clog pores and cause an acne breakout. Who wants to deal with having pimples? The answer is simple, no one. Carry around some blotter paper that is designed for removing oil from the surface of the skin. These are easy to use and small enough to carry in your purse or pocket.

This article should have given you some good advice on how to get a jump start on the aging process and help you look healthy and glowing. Follow them and you will have a better looking you in no time at all.
Come to this site to read articles about skin treatment. In this website, you can see a lot of acne treatment reviews that you can follow to keep your skin healthy. You can also learn how to get rid of pimples fast.
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Skin Care Recipes Free You From Expensive Treatments

Skin care recipes are gaining traction in the fight against premature aging. But if there's one thing that most skin care products manufacturers would like to keep under wraps is that anyone who wishes to have the best looking and feeling skin doesn't need to spend an arm and a leg to achieve it. Many of these companies spend millions of dollars a year trying to convince their potential customers that the only way they will smooth out wrinkles, remove age spots, and reclaim the glory of their youth, so to speak, is to buy expensive products with fancy names and ingredients that can't be pronounced without a doctorate degree from a medical program.

The truth is that skin care recipes that you can make at home are not only safer and better for you, they are also far less expensive. However, we, as a society, are programmed to believe that anything that's good for us must also cost money. In other words, the more expensive something is, the better it is for us. This is why millions of men and women spend millions of dollars every year for spa treatments, facials, and anything else that will liberate them from the tides of time.

We even tend to purchase expensive facial masks at home, not realizing that there's a better solution. This is what those major companies don't want you to know; that it is very easy and inexpensive to create your own facial masks at home using all natural skin care recipes. It doesn't matter if you are inexperienced around the kitchen or wary about certain ingredients that are in these homemade recipes for beauty.

Some recipes for face masks call for oatmeal and yogurt while others use honey as the main working ingredient. Many of the ingredients that you'll find in these masks are products that you likely already have in your home. Imagine being able to crawl out of bed in the morning, stroll down to your kitchen, and make yourself homemade face scrubs that will begin to produce noticeable results within days, not weeks.

The human body is the most incredible machine ever created and it was meant to be maintained by all-natural ingredients. Sure, we eat processed foods and drink carbonated beverages with high fructose corn syrup and those items actually wear down the body over time, and while it's difficult to get away from all of that with the busy schedules we keep, there's no reason why we can't begin to take care of our skin the right way, the way it was meant to be cared for.

If you are ready to give your skin the treatment and care that it deserves, and you want to save a great deal of money, it's time to consider skin care recipes that you can create right there in the comfort of your own home. You'll not find this kind of information from the major manufacturers, and it's important to choose the right homemade recipes for beauty, so do your homework, take your time, and once you begin making your own skin care recipes, you'll look and feel younger in no time at all.

Anna G.H. Keelaun has been in the trenches of the skin care revolution for years, studying the marketing strategies of the major manufacturers and informing the general public about the opportunities to create their own skin care products from home. Anna Keelaun shares the information she has found, as well as many wonderful skin care recipes that are all natural and effective through a series of free ebooks and other promotions. You can discover what she has learned and how to care for your own skin at
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Easy Skin Care Routine

Prevention is among the most critical aspects in medicine and so it is for skin care. It's practically never too late to start protecting it, as most of us know, the skin is the major organ in our bodies and the same as any other organ it necessitates protection from the day to day tasks that can surely play a role in the start of age associated health problems including skin cancer or the early formation of wrinkles.

That's why it's crucial to keep a skin care routine and do it every day of your life.

What causes skin deterioration?

pH balance
Our skin possesses a pH level of about 5.5 which means that it is acidic in essence. A pH of 7 is neutral, a pH under 7 is acidic and a pH greater than 7 is basic.
The utilization of soap raises the pH level of our skin to approximately 9.5, disrupting the acidic shielding barrier that shields us against micro-organisms.

It's a well known fact that too much exposure to the sunshine ruins the skin. What are the risks of this damage? As discussed previously, skin cancer and premature wrinkles are some of the most well-known, but it could as well cause discoloration, better known as Sallowness or Mottled Pigmentation, elasticity reduction, freckles and benign tumors.

Evading the direct sun light regularly is not always encouraged either since it is actually needed to promote vitamin D synthesis inside our bodies.

Cigarette smoke

The primary skin associated effects of smoking cigarettes are premature wrinkling and aging, along with harmful results on skin's collagen and elastin, resulting in a "smoker's face", that can make facial skin appear discolored and lines to develop around the eyes and mouth.

The skin care routine

If you want to have a gorgeous and healthy skin and look young for years and years to come you need an everyday skin care routine and be disciplined about it.

Follow these recommendations:

Sun screen lotion: It's one of the best things you can do to your skin. Use it every day of your life, and definitely not only through the midsummer days or when you head to the pool.
The suggested SPF is 15 for every day and 50 or more for extended periods of time below the sunlight.
Tanning: avoid it at all costs.

Cleansing: Perform it when you wake up and just before going to sleep with a gentle cleanser product.
Moisturize / Hydrate: It also must be done twice a day with a light-weight cream. Be disciplined and do it each day, it is going to help promote the production of new collagen.

Do not over wash. Just remember the skin needs its natural oils and acidic level to continue to be in good condition.
Exfoliate: To get rid of the outermost dead cell layer and make your skin look smooth and young.
Add anti-oxidants to your regimen: An anti-oxidant rich diet can offset the normal aging process of your body and this also includes your skin.

If you want to know more about useful skin care routines and tips, revealing anti wrinkle and anti aging product reviews visit us at
Charles P. Kepler,
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Skin Care for Face

Skin care is the right way to stay young and beautiful at any age. It doesn't take much time and efforts but the results are great. How to take care of your skin?
  1. Cosmetics. If you are not sure about your skin type or have some skin problems like acne or age spots, ask for a help of a specialist. He will recommend good creams, masks and lotions to prevent wrinkles appearance and treat skin problems.

  2. Folk remedies. Nature is a treasure stove of wholesome herbs, fruits and vegetables which can be used for skin care. Chamomile, nard, nettle, calendula, oak bark, sabelnik, tutsan, mint, Melissa strawberry leaves, comfrey, bur-marigold and other herbs can be added to masks and lotions.

  3. Special procedures in beauty salons. Women who have serious skin problems usually treat them in beauty salons. Peelings, laser peelings, wrinkle straitening masks, collagen masks are practiced there. If you have scars or don't know how to get rid of age spots, specialists will help you to make your skin smoother and younger. For age spots removal you will be offered:
    • Chemical peeling. A weak acid solution removes superficial layers of the skin affected by hyperpigmentation. This method is practically painless, there is only a slight burning sensation, redness and swelling of the skin, but they disappear after a couple of days.

    • Liquid nitrogen. You can cover your age spots with liquid nitrogen and freezing them. This is very effective way. It destroys the pigment that causes them and makes the skin look better. But there is the possibility of scarring discoloration of your skin.

    • Laser resurfacing of the face. As a result of the laser spots disappear, the skin is updated, the skin tone is improved.

    • Phototherapy. Spots are removed with the help of intense pulses. This procedure is painless.
Is it possible to prevent age spots appearance?
  • If your skin is prone to appearance of freckles and spots, eat more fruits with vitamin C and folia acid.
  • Wash your face with sour milk and add some sour cream to face masks.
  • Use special cosmetics in summer. It will prevent your face from spots appearance.
Visit a cosmetologist or dermatologist if you have noticed dark spots. If you don't know how to get rid of age spots, never try to solve the problem by yourself. There is cosmetics which can do much harm and worsen the condition. A serious approach to this skin problem is a guarantee of successful treatment.
You can take more information about how to get rid of age spots
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Anti Aging Skin Care - 3 Simple Tips

The external beauty of a person is largely determined by healthy skin. The skin and its texture can make or mar a person's beauty. Human skin is made up of three layers. As age progresses, the elasticity weakens and the skin tends to wrinkle. Premature wrinkling is caused due to prolonged exposure to sunlight. There are more than just these few factors which make a person look older than his or her actual age.

The anti aging skin care techniques here will help make a person look young and healthy.

1. Natural tips for anti aging skin care

Many factors like lifestyle, environmental pollution, extreme climatic conditions, exposure to the sun's harmful rays, tension and health problems affect the skin. Ayurveda is an ancient science which is still being practiced. Natural herbs and other substances are used in ayurvedic treatments with minimal side effects. Many of the ayurvedic tips for anti aging skin care can be made in the home. The skin can be massaged with coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil or clarified butter and left overnight. Oil massages are good for the body and provides the body moisture and lubrication. People with oily skin should not apply too much oil. People with dry skin should try products with oil base and herbs.

Sandal and turmeric are good for the skin. Home made face packs containing turmeric is good for the skin. A turmeric pack can be made easily by mixing a pinch of turmeric to milk cream and a spoon of lemon juice. This pack can be applied after an oil massage, left for about ten minutes and washed away. This can be done once in two weeks to get a glowing rich skin. Scrubbing the nose with a pinch of salt that has been wet with butter milk helps to clean the surface of the nose and remove whiteheads.

2. Choosing the right skin care product and some home made packs

A person has to find out his or her type of skin and buy products which are suitable. A product which has Vitamin E, A and C is very good because these vitamins help in rejuvenating the skin. The vitamins prevent free radical damage and thus prevent wrinkles and lines. They contain antioxidants which give the skin a special glow and also make it firm. It is also essential to eat nutritious food.

3. Exercise, positive attitude and general tips

Exercise is the best tonic for a healthy body. It gives the body shape and keeps away fat. The right kind of exercises to keep the skin looking young can be decided upon by the fitness expert.
A healthy mind determines a healthy body. Staying positive and happy reduces the wrinkles and tension lines.
It is also imperative to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. A meal plan which consists of green leafy vegetables and fruits make the skin healthier and firm. Using tomato or honey packs are also good for the skin.

Many people limit oil massages and packs to the face. However the packs mentioned above and oil massages are good for the entire body. Spending a little time on oneself will help them to stay young looking.
Many people forget to care for their skin in the rush of life. By the time they realize that they are looking older than their counterparts, it is too late to adopt such remedies. Surgical options are very popular but there are increasing reports of mishaps. A little care can go a long way in remaining looking young and attractive.

For in depth reviews of reviews of anti aging products and special deals check out
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Skin Care: On Diamond Peel and Other Tips

Some people try different facial treatments to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. Fortunately, many dermatologists offer skin care to restore the skin's glow and youthful complexion. One of the treatments they may recommend is diamond peel. Read on to know about diamond peel and other skin care tips.

Diamond Peel

This facial treatment is a non-invasive way of removing dead skin cells to provide a rejuvenated look. This is also a gentler form of microdermabrasion, which exfoliates the skin and restores the epidermal cell structures to increase elasticity and collagen levels. Skin care specialists may use this for different problems such as enlarged pores, acne breakouts, uneven skin tones, acne scars, sun damage, and wrinkles.


The treatment may rejuvenate and exfoliate the skin by getting rid of flakiness, dryness, and dull appearance. It may also help skin absorb and retain moisture, allowing water and nutrients to stay on the skin. Diamond peel may also neutralize dark and uneven skin tones, eliminating blots and blemishes. It may also help stop melanin production, letting the skin to whiten and reducing exposure to the effects of ultraviolet rays.
Diamond peel may also eliminate excess oil and bacteria that cause acne. It may also reduce the size of skin pores and facial follicles, leaving no trace of dirt. Cell renewal and acne scar reduction may also be possible with just a few treatments.

Skin care product review sites shoe many people prefer this treatment to other cosmetic procedures, as it is less invasive and requires no recovery time. Diamond peel may cause less injury, as the crystals are harder and smaller. The crystals cause little or no irritation on the skin, unlike other cosmetic treatments. The procedure may also stimulate blood circulation in the skin, which allows the formation of collagen, elastin, and other elements responsible for the skin's elasticity.


The dermatologist may use an applicator to coat the skin with diamond dust. A wand tip may also be necessary to apply dust around the eyes, nose, and mouth. The entire application may take 10 to 20 minutes and may need a follow-up appointment for effective results.

Skin care tips

Wash your face twice a day with warm water and mild soap. Massage your face in circular motions to avoid sagging. Apply moisturizer to prevent dryness and flakiness. Do not pop acnes because this might lead to more swelling, scarring, and redness. Keep your hair away from your face to prevent oil and dirt from clogging your pores. Use sunscreen to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Drink water to keep the skin hydrated. Eat fruits and vegetables to get nutrients. Avoid oily foods, as these may contribute to acne formation. Get enough sleep.

Know your skin type before getting any form of facial treatment. Consult your dermatologist about skin problems. Find out about different facial peels and see what best fits you. Although diamond peels may give smooth and lighter skin, it may not necessarily remove some imperfections. You may need to undergo another procedure to solve your skin problem. Read tips and skin care product review.

Chloe Allan is a dermatologist recommending skin care product review to know more about diamond peel.
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Skin care treatment for the most common skin conditions

A glowing and healthy skin is an asset. Skin is not all about beauty but also health. So, skin care treatment should be treated with all seriousness. If you develop a skin related dilemma, you need an appropriate skin care treatment. Skin care treatment, for any skin disorder, starts with actions that are aimed at prevention of the disorder (what we can also call as proactive or preventive skin care treatment).

 Building and following basic skin care procedures is what one could classify as preventive/proactive skin care treatment. Skin disorders can occur even if you have followed this preventive skin care treatment.

Preventive skin care treatment just reduces the probability of occurrence. Let’s check the skin care treatment for some of the common skin conditions.Acne is one of the most common problems. Again, the first type of skin care treatment is to control acne and prevent it from getting worse. So avoid tight clothes; they are known to cause body acne by trapping sweat.

 Do not touch the blemishes over and over again (rather don’t touch them at all), you might end up aggravating the condition. Also, do not try to scrub too hard or squeeze them. Use of mild cleansers is a recommended skin care treatment for acne. Obtain an over-the-counter skin care treatment for faster treatment of acne.Skin care treatment of dry skin is generally easy. Moisturisers, applied in the right way and in the right quantity, are the best form of skin care treatment for dry skin. For best results, apply moisturiser while your skin is still damp. Also, do not apply too much or too little moisturiser.

 In exceptional cases, where you don’t notice any improvements in 3-4 weeks, you might have to visit your dermatologist for skin care treatment of your dry skin.Brown spots, which appear on sun-exposed areas of skin i.e. face and hands, are caused by over-exposure to UV radiations. As a skin care treatment for brown spots, use a sunscreen lotion which has a high SPF (sun protection factor), say 15.

  This should be used irrespective of weather – sunny/cloudy. Another form of skin care treatment is covering up the exposed areas with clothing (caps, full sleeved shirts/t-shirts, and umbrella).Also, if the general skin care treatment or the over-the-counter medication is not working for you, you should immediately consult your dermatologist for professional skin care treatment. You should also inform the doctor about the skin care treatment that you have undertaken till that time.

 So take the details of the till-date skin care treatment (and products) along with you. Based on the skin condition and the details of your till-date skin care treatment, the dermatologist will prescribe a skin care treatment e.g. oral antibiotics, chemical peelsComputer Technology Articles, retinoid etc and you will be on your way to recovery.

How Do You Start Skin Care?

Skin Care initiates with you. Here are some general starting items that you can do:

1. Drink Plenty of Water – water flushes out the bad toxins and waste.
2. Eat More Fiber – The average person consumes only 12 grams of fiber per day. For middle aged women, 25 grams of fiber is suggested. You can get fiber from whole grains, beans and cauliflower.
3. Exercise – Start moving to increase your metabolism, lower stress, and develop a well-toned body.
4. Cut Down on Sugar – Donuts, cakes and pies all have a lot of sugar. Sugar contributes to wrinkled skin.
5. Consume Healthy Fat from fish, flaxseed and supplements. Essential Fats keep the heart healthy and fight inflammation.

Why Should You Avoid Mineral Oil?

Mineral Oil is a petrochemical product. It is developed from a chemical refinery.
Mineral Oil is not a wonderful moisturizer for skin care. Mineral Oil could begin to block the skin pores, causing acne. Mineral oil could also result in dryness and skin aging.
Mineral Oil can be dangerous. By applying Mineral Oil, you can be at risk for cancer. Mineral Oil has been known for causing skin diseases like Acne.

What Can You Do?

Try to avoid skin care products with mineral oil. Instead, start to use products that promote natural skin care. With natural skin care oil, you could start to reverse the dryness and aging skin.
Herbal Skin Care includes Aloe Vera, Herbs, Tea and other natural treatments.

Why Should You Start Using Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera is a natural skin care product that saves the skin from the harsh environment. Aloe Vera also provides moisturizers and vitamins to the skin. Aloe Vera is utilised in extreme cold and hot conditions. In the summertime, Aloe Vera alleviates the heat caused by sunburn.

Aloe Vera comforts cracked and dry skin. Aloe Vera possibly could make your dry skin shiny and normal. For any time during the day, you can use Aloe Vera on dry skin.

Why Make Use of Green Tea?

You can start using Green Tea for skin care. The benefits to using Green Tea include:
1) light natural scent that can improve mood
2) Possibly could prevent and repair damage from UV rays of sunlight.
3) delay aging of skin
4) good for oily skin
5) may assist to treat acne
6) preventing skin cancer
7) Can improve your complexion.

You can develop a green tea mist using a spray bottle. Then, spray the green tea mist all over your face. You possibly could also do a green tea eye treatment to relieve puffy eyes.
Green Tea diminishes the appearance of fine lines. Green tea can be used anywhere on your body. Above all, green tea is an inexpensive product.

What Is Royal Jelly?

Royal Jelly is developed by bees. The male bees excrete this royal jelly to feed the Queen Bee. Thus, this is how the name Royal Jelly started off.
Royal Jelly is an all natural skin care product. Royal Jelly is used to protect the skin from cold, harsh environments. Royal Jelly may set off to moisturize the skin; and thus, royal jelly could eliminate dryness and cracking.

You can also use the Royal Jelly on your arms, legs, and back. You can start to protect your skin from clothing that may be harsh to the skin.

What Are Some Of the Herbs Used For Skin Care?

Herbs that you may use to start your skin care comprise of:
1. Chickweed – known for treating itchy skin, skin allergies and other skin problems.
2. Lavender Flowers – are beneficial for normal and dry skin. They are also used in deodorant.
3. Rose Petals – protects and moisturizes the skin. Most beneficial for dry and sensitive skin.
4. St. John's Wart – heals irritations of the skin. The skin could not be exposed to sunlight, after using this herb.

You Possibly Could Start Your Skin Care Program!

It's not hard to start taking care of your skin. You could alter your food, drink more water and exercise. You possibly could also start to use natural skin care products that contain Aloe Vera, Green Tea, Royal Jelly and herbs.

Starting to take care of your skin is very important and not grueling to do.
Good Luck!

What Is Natural Herbal Skin Care

Natural herbal skin care is caring for your skin in a natural and chemical-free way. This enables the skin to take care of itself (without any assistance from artificial synthetic
chemicals). Natural herbal Skin care is about impressing upon the minds of people good habits in the way of body care that guide you through your day to day life.

Natural herbal Skin care has been in use since ancient times, when natural herbal Skin care was the only way for them to take care of their skin. However, people living in modern
times have abandoned and replaced skin care routines with artificial synthetic chemical-based skin care products. More and more people are now choosing the natural herbal skin care products after experiencing harmful sided-effect from the artificial synthetic chemical-based skin care products.

Natural herbal skin care routine is very healthy for nourishing the skin and for treatment of skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis. One of the main reasons for choosing
natural herbal skin care products over the artificial synthetic chemical-based skin care products is because most herbal skin care products don't have any side effects and
natural herbal skin care products can be easily made at home.

You can make natural herbal skin care products yourself, by looking up natural herbal skin care recipes on the Internet or by buying natural herbal skin care recipe books at the

There are many natural herbal skin care ingredients that you can grow in your own home herb garden or put into flowerpots. You should avoid all commercial versions of herbal skin care products, because their products are not really natural herbs but instead are artificial scents with little bit of essential oils.

So you are better off making your own natural herbal skin care product quickly and easily on your own. There are natural herbs known to possess cleansing and moisturizing properties or antiseptic properties.
Natural herbal skin care will replenish and renew your skin against UV rays from the sun, pollution from the environment and from the daily stress of life. Skin care is very important
and will keep you healthy, and beautiful through out your life.

Using a natural herbal skin care product in order to maintain a healthy beautiful skin for the duration of your lifetime, you must also have healthy eating habits (avoiding processed
food), regular exercise (walking, running or swimming), drinking lots of pure Filtered Water (8-glass everyday), and cleanliness.

It is important to note that these natural herbal ingredients will work differently on different people. There for the best thing to do is try the natural herbal ingredients on a small
patch of skin and see how the herbs effect your skin.

Before you start your natural herbal skin care routine, you need to determine your skin type. Is your skin normal, oily, dry or sensitive? After you determined your skin type then you select the natural herbal skin care ingredients that's suitable for your skin, you might have to experiment with a few different natural herbs until you find which herbs works

Because everyone's skin type is different, natural herbal skin care is perfect for providing each skin type with all the nutrients needed for a beautiful and healthy skin.

Natural herbal skin care is a matter of discipline that takes practice, once perfected, can give you wonderful results in a very cost effective manner.

Tips for Taking Skin Care – Stay Beautiful

Your skin changes day by day. In modern world beauty matters a lot. Your beauty mostly depends on your skin. Have you see the skin of a baby? It's very soft and has no wrinkles. Every person has a different skin type. Some have dried skin whereas, some oily. Poor skin type makes you look dull, tired or aged, thereby resulting into a flat impression in front of others. Don't you think you need to look dashing? If yes then you have to know and follow the skin care rules. Now, you must be wondering, "I am having bad skin, is it possible to overcome it?" The answer is yes. You can make your skin healthy and beautiful.

Skin care center provides services that make your skin clean and clear. They will surely satisfy you with products that have no side effects. Lots of skin care centers are around and you need to be careful while opting for one.  You need to select expert service for your skin otherwise you might suffer the most.

If you are spending thousands of dollars to get good skin and the result is negative, then read on.  The best way to get rid of wrinkle from skin is – Botox. You will find lots of non surgical products and treatments available in the market that claim to decrease wrinkles, but does it really works? Botox injection not only removes wrinkle from your skin, but also helps to keep skin fresh every time. Many celebrities use these products and have found best results. The demands of these products are increasing rapidly. Most of the doctors as well as customers are aware about the advantages of this method. It has an ability to make your face glow.

Only skin care is not vital. Looking fit and slim is equally important. With the slim body look and good skin, you will look like a model. A healthy all green diet and a rich in protein and nutrition diet will revive you skin and keep you looking beautiful. Using herbal soap to bathe and avoiding any face wash or body wash that has harmful chemicals, drinking lots of water and living on fresh fruits and vegetables are some of the most ideal way to a home skin care tips.

To show off your six-pack abs you may need to shave many times. Apart from this, there are number of reasons behind permanent hair removal treatments.  The hair on the upper lips of a woman or between the brows are instant turn offs. Females with such problems are constantly worrying over this problem and try every possible method to get rid of unwanted facial hair. Now, with Laser Hair Removal treatment you can solve this problem permanently. This treatment has no side effect. Many think that hair removal is very painful. But they are wrong. It's very safe and a pain free treatment. These simple methods can change your look and change the way people look at you.

Facial At Home: Skin Care Tips and Recipes

Keeping skin soft and healthy is important, but many commercial products contain harsh chemicals or are very expensive. The good news is that skin care doesn't have to cost a lot of money. With basic household ingredients, keeping skin healthy and hydrated is simple. These recipes are designed for having a facial at home.

 Cucumber and Olive Oil Mask
* 3 oz. diced cucumber
* 3 tsp olive oil
* 2 tsp plain yogurt.

Mix the three ingredients until combined. Apply to face and leave on skin for about 15 minutes or until mostly dried. Wash off with cold water. This is a great mask for dry skin, especially in the winter time. The olive oil helps to moisturize delicate facial skin, while the cucumber and yogurt plump skin cells and help to maintain brightness. Use this mask alone if pressed for time, or take a few hours to do an entire facial at home.

This facial at home option can take a few hours, but is a great way to pamper yourself without spending a lot of money. First, get two slices of cucumber, turn on some relaxing music, and pull back hair into a headband. Start by removing any makeup with a gentle cleanser. Remove eye makeup and then rinse with warm water, patting skin dry.

Secondly, use an exfoliator to remove dead skin cells. A basic exfoliating product will work well. Apply a nickel-sized portion, and using gentle, circular motions, exfoliate the face and neck. Be careful not to get too close to the eyes, as the skin in that area is delicate. After this step, rinse face clean.

Thirdly, open the pores. Get a towel wet with warm water. Put the towel on the chin, and wrap both ends around the forehead, spreading it out to cover the sides of the face, leaving a small opening at the nose to breath freely. If available, light a scented candle or use an aromatherapy spray. Relax while reclining for a few minutes while the pores open gently.

Fourthly, apply a facial mask. This can be the oil and cucumber mask, or any other ones available from stores or made at home. Put on the mask and apply the cucumber slices to the eyes. Masks should usually be applied for about 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask, making sure to remove all of it. After patting skin dry, moisturize the face and neck. Use an oil-free moisturizer that won't clog pores. Even individuals with oily skin should apply a moisturizer. Choose a light one which won't weigh down skin.

This at home facial is a great way to relax with friends or just devoting an evening to yourself. Having an at home facial is inexpensive and requires only basic skincare products. For a relaxing and pampering experience, take a few hours and try this facial method at home.

Why spend money on commercial facial mask when you can make your facial at home which guarantees no side effects. offers variety of skin care recipes made of the common ingredient you can find in your kitchen.
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Caffeine Skin Care Products

Skin care products have been one of the most interesting topics of discussion among women of all ages. The early twenties need an acne free skin while late twenties want fresh skin after returning from a hectic day at office. The women who have been approaching their 50's demand anti ageing and wrinkle reducing skin care products. Thus skin care has been one of the most sensitive issues and approximately 95 percent of women are highly conscious about it.

One of the most recently introduced magical ingredients in variety of skin care products is caffeine. Recent researches have proved that caffeine has miraculous effect on skin and has the power to protect skin from sun damages. Although the coffee intake is really high among all types of age groups but the topical application of coffee grounds is much better than ingestion.

Coffee grounds have been quite famous for their use in the prevention of cellulite.Cellulite is basically distortion of connective tissues that result in the dimpled skin appearance. Cellulite is the most common problems faced by women and makes the skin look very ugly. The caffeinated products help in reduction of cellulite by enhancing the speed of blood flow,ultimately improving the skin appearance.

Beauty Products Companies have also taken full advantage of the caffeine's added property of reducing puffiness and inflammation. With consistent use of coffee based eye gels there are visible reduction in dark circles as caffeine possesses anti-inflammatory characteristics. Thus the coffee grounds play a vital role in enhancing the beauty of females across the world.

Recent researches have proved that coffee grounds possess the ability to act as shield towards ultra violet light and reduce the skin damage. It has been proved that coffee prevents the most common and dangerous skin cancers caused due to direct exposure to sunlight. The antioxidant properties of coffee are believed to be much higher than green tea. This ability of caffeine has resulted in its increased uses in sun screens and sun blocks. The skin care giants have introduced range of coffee based sunscreens which have been gaining wide spread popularity.

Another exhilarating ability of caffeine is to dehydrate fat cells. Thus it smooths the skin quite dramatically in very few days. Coffee has been found to minimize the facial flushing and reduce redness of the skin. It is considered as a blessing for those who have been facing rosacea problem. Rosacea is basically a chronic skin ailment in which face turns red and may lead to skin sores and swelling. Coffee grinds have been proved very effective in treating the disorder as the grinds possess the ability to constrict blood vessels very effectively.

It has been observed that coffee has the ability to make the skin firm and act as a skin tightening agent. This is why the use of the ingredient has been increased in anti-ageing creams as well as lotions.As coffee is being drunk to activate the mind, its fragrance has been infused in variety of skin care products and lip balms. The coffee scent helps in making the mind alert as happens in coffee intake.

Companies are making innovative products using this miraculous ingredient and have been gaining worldwide fame. Coffee grinds are used in body and facial scrubs, face creams, lip balms and cellulite creams. These vast ranges have reduced the time and efforts required earlier from home-made skin products. Going to a function or a very important get together is far easier as these products give the best results in limited time frames.

There are varieties of benefits of coffee for skin repair and skin care as reflected by the explosion in caffeine skin care products. Thousands of researches on this magical ingredient are still underway and may reveal more extraordinary abilities of coffee grinds. So get the exciting range of coffee based products and get rid of all skin care problems you might be facing these days.

.Samia Tariq is a recent business graduate from Quaid i Azam University and is serving as a content writer at Commuserv.

She has written variety of articles related to Skin Care and Skin Repair. Due to an extended interaction with the subjects of research and report writing, she has the abilities to deliver effective content almost for any area.
Due to an extended interaction with the subjects of research and report writing, she has the abilities to deliver effective content almost for any area.
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The Basics of Skin Care

With so many skin care products and remedies available on the market sometimes it is important to get back to the basics of skin care. Healthy skin is not difficult to achieve if your fundamental skin care routine is correct.

For starters you should keep your skin clean. If your skin is dry or oily, look for products designed for your type of skin. It is not necessary for it to be "squeaky" clean, just make sure that all makeup and pollution is removed. Use a mild cleanser with lukewarm water and pat your skin dry. Your skin should not feel tight, just clean and without makeup or cleanser residue. A mild toner should be applied, followed by a mild moisturizer. In the morning, a good sunscreen should be applied after the moisturizer has dried. In the evening, skip the sunscreen but use the moisturizer.

Regular inspections and maintenance of the skin is important because you will be able to catch problems before they become major issues. If you notice many whiteheads or blackheads you should schedule a facial, or learn the proper steps to give yourself one at home.

 If you decide to remove them at home, have patience and do not get too aggressive on your skin. If you have pimples, acne or other signs of infection, you should see a dermatologist, but do not pop, squeeze or pick your pimple or acne. This rough handling will spread bacteria and infection and cause bruising. If you have overdone it and have injured your skin, use an antibacterial ointment for a day or so and avoid prolonged sun exposure (apply sunscreen to the affected areas) until the area is healed.

Hydration is also very important. Most people are dehydrated and don't even know it. A quick test to know if you are dehydrated is to look at the color of your urine. If it is not clear, then you are not drinking enough water. The long standing recommendation of a minimum of eight glasses of water per day is a good place to start. Another benefit of drinking that much water is that you will not have much room to drink the bad stuff, i.e., soda, coffee and alcohol.

Protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun. Sunscreen should be used every day, even on cloudy days to avoid accelerating the aging process. Regular use of hats and sunglasses are a great way to protect the skin on your face. Always remember to apply sunscreen to the backs of your hands. The hands sometimes can age much faster than the rest of the body.

You should also inspect your makeup products. Make sure they are fresh and have not gone rancid. Different products expire at different times. For example, replace your mascara and liquid eyeliner every three months, or sooner if you find it is becoming clumpy. Liquid foundations should be tossed after six months or sooner, particularly if you notice the foundation is beginning to separate. Eye and lip pencils should be replaced every six to eight months. Lipsticks have the longest shelf life, but after a year or so, you should replace them. If you are not sure how old your products are, you should not take a chance, throw them out, but if you are tempted to try them, give them a quick sniff, you can sometimes smell when some products have gone bad, particularly liquid products (i.e. mascara and foundations).

Finally, take a look at your tools: makeup brushes, hair brushes, loofahs, sponges, tweezers, scissors and shavers. These items should be carefully inspected and cleaned at least once every month in a mild soapy solution (baby shampoo works great), and if necessary, replaced when they show signs of excessive wear. Sharp metal tools should be disinfected with alcohol. All of these items, if not properly taken care of can harbor bacteria that can lead to skin irritations, acne and other types of infection. In the case of sharp tools, such as razors, scissors and nippers, dullness or rust on the metal can cause injury and dangerous infections on the skin.

No matter how much money is spent on skin care products, if your basic skin care routine is lacking, you will not get the full benefits of the products. The above steps will help give you the foundation to maintain healthy skin.

Margarita Ortega of Marvaus Concepts offers cosmetics along with information, tips and advice on living a balanced and healthy life. For more information on this and other informative articles, please visit
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Skin Care For Your Skin Type

The skin care industry is projected to balloon to a 10 billion-dollar market by 2015. Advertisements from the internet, newspapers and television splash many, very familiar cosmetic brands each day. Indeed, the skin care industry caters to a vast market with diverse cultural, educational and professional backgrounds. With products pouring into the market shelves and online stores every day, consumers are presented with numerous choices that can be overwhelming.

 People look at the brand name, packaging, and the beautiful model as bases for good products. Buying on these factors are very common. But little do consumers know that many skin care products are based on skin types.

 Some products may not be even be suitable for those in the tropical countries. Some products take into account climate or season change in making preparations. So we come to ask, "Which is the best skin care product?" or more intelligently, "Which skin care product is the best for my type of skin?"
First, know the two types of ingredients- the active and the inactive. The active ingredients are the ones doing the work on your skin. The inactive ingredients are the one who assists the active ones to properly deliver its job. Both the active and inactive ingredients have to work well on you and should be effective in dealing with your skin problems. Overtime, the most effective ones will become your personal best skin care product.

Second, know how to apply the product on your skin. This is important. In the hope of finding what's best for your skin, you might miss out or pass the best product for you if application of product is not properly managed. Consider frequency of use, amount to be applied or used, proper storage and special indications.

Third, observe any initial reactions on your skin. There are active ingredients like hydroquinone which is not already in use for some countries. Use your new product in alternate days just to observe any adverse reactions, if any, to your skin. Some skin reactions are reddening, stinging, itching and minor skin irritations. If severe reactions to the skin like irritant contact dermatitis or allergic contact dermatitis happen, discontinue usage and seek professional help.

Choosing what's best for you may not be overnight. But through careful and intelligent experimentation, you will find the "Best Skin Care Product" for yourself. Your "Best Skin Care Product" can be all-natural too. With the right preparation from natural ingredients, discover the best combination for your skin.
Find out more with Skin Whitening X Factor.
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Skincare For Women Over 50

When I turned 40, I noticed that the skin on my face really started to change. It was very dry, flaky, tight. Not very nice at all. I went to the local pharmacy, where the salesclerk in the beauty department asked me what I used on my face. I told her soap, she nearly fainted! Oh no, she replied, you can't use SOAP on your face! She proceeded to tell me that at my age (what am I? a dinosaur?) I really needed to use a gentle cleanser, a good daytime moisturizer and a good nighttime moisturizer. So, I left the store with about $100 worth of product.

Well, I must agree that she was correct. I immediately noticed a change in my skin. It was not so dry anymore, some of the flakiness was gone, and some elasticity was returning. So I began to think seriously about skincare. I realized that women, or girls, need to start taking care of their skin at an early age, when NO SIGNS of aging are occurring yet.

Before you decide on which products to buy, you need to know what type of skin you have. Is your skin oily, dry, or a combination of the two, with oil in the t-zone. The first part of your routine is in the morning. You'll want to cleanse the face with a good cleanser. If you have dry skin, look for products that contain sandalwood, rosemary, and carrot seed. For oily skin, go with lemongrass, eucalyptus, and ylang ylang.

After cleansing, you would use a toner. Toning helps to rejuvenate the skin and removes any toxins that the cleanser left behind. Toning is also done twice a day, morning and night after cleansing. Lavender water, or juice of aloe vera are supposedly the best toners for normal skin, while aloe vera juice, rose water, or apple cider vinegar in diluted form is good for dry skin. If you have dry skin, stay away from toners with alcohol. Alcohol based toners are good for oily skin.

The next step is moisturizing. For daytime, look for one with SPF of at least 25, and that protects against UVA/UVB rays. Look for ingredients that are occlusive, humectant, or emollient. Occlusives, which include dimethicone, petrolatum, paraffin, and lanolin, form a barrier on the epidermis, preventing water from being lost when the skin is exposed to dry air or wind. Humectants, such as glycerin, sorbitol, sodium hyaluronate, urea, propylene glycol, alpha hydroxy acids, and sugars, attract water into the skin cells, causing the skin surface to swell very slightly - thus temporarily making it appear smoother and free of wrinkles. Emollients fill the spaces between rough or peeling skin cells, smoothing the surface of the skin. Lanolin, mineral oil, and petrolatum are occlusive agents that also serve as emollients.

For night time, you'll want to cleanse and tone again. Then you'll use a good night time cream. The creams for night will be a little heavier than the day time creams, and, of course you do not need the SPF protection.
Jill Dascal
For more information on skin care and skin care products, visit me at
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